Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Understand AI: Artificial Intelligence 101

Often it feels like every internet site, application, or maybe efficiency device is mentioning Artificial Intelligence 101 (AI) as the top-secret component for their financial success.
What’s even less frequent is a breakdown of what Artificial Intelligence is, the reason that it’s so great, and even the way service providers are taking advantage of this to offer better customer experience.
Assuming that you don’t know much about Artificial Intelligence, In the event that you’re having some fears towards computer-instigated, it really can be frightening.
Machine learning is complicated, and it’s continuously developing, however, this doesn’t mean it needs to be complicated or anxiety-inducing – especially when your private info is involved.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Showing robots how to do your chores

Training interactive robots may one day be an easy job for everyone, even those without programming expertise. Roboticists are developing automated robots that can learn new tasks solely by observing humans. At home, you might someday show a domestic robot how to do routine chores. In the workplace, you could train robots like new employees, showing them how to perform many duties.
Making progress on that vision, MIT researchers have designed a system that lets these types of robots learn complicated tasks that would otherwise stymie them with too many confusing rules. One such task is setting a dinner table under certain conditions.  

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Decoding the Future Trajectory of Healthcare with AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is getting increasingly sophisticated day by day in its application, with enhanced efficiency and speed at a lower cost. Every single sector has been reaping benefits from AI in recent times. The Healthcare industry is no exception. Here is decoding the future trajectory of healthcare with AI.
The impact of artificial intelligence in the healthcare industry through machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) is transforming care delivery. Additionally, patients are expected to gain relatively high access to their health-related information than before through various applications such as smart wearable devices and mobile electronic medical records (EMR).

Friday, March 13, 2020

Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence Convergence Powering the Robotics Capability

The field of robotics is immensely challenging, and to grow in this segment, companies need to offer reliable and affordable solutions to their clients and customers.
The exciting news is that RPA is also one of the most promising areas utilizing the convergence of Blockchain and AI. This convergence is now showing never before massive efficiencies in the field of robotics.
Robotics has gained massive popularity across industries over the years using artificial intelligence, making all processes more effective and error-free. Now, blockchain will keep the data decentralized and free from any central or concentrated control. By combining the decentralized power of blockchain with the agility of artificial intelligence, the field of robotics can be elevated and advanced in several ways.

Artificial Intelligence for Speech Recognition

Now-a-days, speech recognition technology is increasingly being integrated into voice-driven applications such as Amazon's Alexa, Apple's Siri, Microsoft's Cortana, and Google Home, among others. AI-based speech recognition technology is mainly used as an addition to virtual agents, chatbots, and other mobile applications. Increasing demand for smart speakers and voice-enabled devices, coupled with rising penetration of speech recognition technology in customer care services are driving the growth of AI for the speech recognition market in India. However, growing concern over data security and privacy remains the key impediments for the widespread adoption of this technology in India.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Medical Robotics Market report edited by leading research firm

Medical robotics is a stimulating and modern field in medical science that involves numerous operations and extensive use of tele-presence. The discipline of tele-presence signifies the technologies that permit an individual to sense as if they were at another location without being actually there. The medical robotics market is projected to reach USD 16.74 billion by 2027 from an estimated USD 6.46 billion in 2019. The Market will grow at a CAGR of 21% during a forecast period 2019 – 2027. Top Key Players like Intuitive Surgical, Accuray Incorporated, Mazor Robotics, IRobot Corporation, Zimmer Biomet, Stryker Corporation and Hansen Medical Inc.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Designing nanorobots to expose cancer cells

A proof-of-concept nanorobot design could be used to target cancer cells by their glucose consumption and deliver a drug payload in response to tumour interaction. The development of nanorobots has been a focus for researchers due to their therapeutic and diagnostic potential. European Pharmaceutical Review’s Hannah Balfour and Victoria Rees interviewed Professor Shlomi Dolev, Chair Professor and founder of the Department of Computer Science at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, to discuss his research into nanorobots as a drug delivery system.

Sunday, March 8, 2020


The employment of Data Science and Machine Learning technologies is at a peak. We can see several software and tools with various innovative features in the market that serve us with the efficiency of new-age data technologies that can potentially increase a business’s efficiency and value proposition. With continuous evolution at scale such solutions too, get revamped with time. Now is the era for automated data science and machine learning software that not only enhance the operational proficiency of such tools but also assist data scientists with great potential? They help automate the repetitive and mundane tasks within the ML or data science processes without compromising model performance and productivity.
Therefore, here is the list of top 10 automated data science and machine learning software presented by some key players of the respective market.

Friday, March 6, 2020

DotData's AI Builds Machine Learning Models All by Itself

Demand for data scientists and engineers has, for the past couple of years, been off the charts. The number of openings for machine learning and data engineers posted on recruiting web sites continues to grow by double digits annually, and those working in the field have been commanding ever-higher salaries.
Joining the ranks of these desperately sought after techies takes serious coding chops, definitely expertise in Python, along with familiarity with other languages. That combination—of job openings for data engineers along with the dominance of Python, means Python regularly makes the charts of most in-demand coding languages.